Reading List

Understanding Mental Health

Casey, Patricia (2004)
From the Heart – your mental health questions answered. Dublin, Blackhall Publishing

Barry, Harry (2007)
Flagging the Problem: a new approach to mental health. Dublin, Liberties Press

Read, Jim and Reynolds, Jill (editors) (1996)
Speaking Our Minds: an anthology. Basingstoke, Macmillan

Corry, Michael and Tubridy, Aine (2001)
Going Mad: understanding mental illness. Dublin, Newleaf

Butler, Gillian and Hope, Tony (2009)
Manage Your Mind: the mental fitness guide. Oxford, Oxford University Press

Wilde McCormick, Elizabeth (2008)
Change for the Better: self help through practical psychotherapy. London, Sage Publications

Powell, Trevor (2009)
The Mental Health Handbook : a cognitive behavioural approach. Brackley, Speechmark

Greenberger, Dennis, Padesky, Christine A.; foreward by Aaron T. Beck (1995)
Mind over Mood : change how you feel by changing the way you think.
New York; London, Guilford

Burns, David D. (1999)
The Feeling Good Handbook. New York, N.Y., Plume

Kabat-Zinn, Jon (2004)
Wherever you go, There you are: mindfulness meditation for everyday life. London, Piatkus


Herbert, Claudia and Wetmore, Ann (2008)
Overcoming Traumatic Stress. London, Robinson

Davis, M., Robbins Eshelman, E. and McKay, M. (2008)
The Relaxation & Stress Reduction Workbook. Oakland C.A., New Harbinger

Malone, Samuel A. (2004)
Surviving Stress: a guide for managers and employees. Cork, Oaktree Press

Olivier, Suzannah (2006)
10 Simple Ways to Beat Stress Forever. London, Cico Books

Holford, Patrick (2009)
Beat Stress and Fatigue. London, Piatkus

Brewer, Sarah (2003)
The Ultimate Stress Buster : a complete guide to help you relax and enjoy life to the full. London, Vermilion

MacEoin, Beth (2008)
The Total De-stress Plan : a lifestyle action plan for reducing anxiety & enhancing relaxation. London, Carlton

Wilson, Elisabeth (2009)
Relax and Enjoy Life : 149 ultimate stress busters. Oxford, Infinite Ideas

Johnston, Fiona (2000)
Getting a Good Night’s Sleep : a handbook for people who have trouble sleeping. London, Sheldon


Kennerley, Helen (2009)
Overcoming Anxiety. London, Robinson

Butler, Gillian (1999)
Overcoming Social Anxiety and Shyness. London, Sheldon Press

Tallis, Frank (2009)
How to Stop Worrying. London, Sheldon Press

Peurifoy, Reneau Z. (2007)
Anxiety, Phobias and Panic. London, Piaktus

Weekes, Claire (2000)
Essential Help for Your Nerves. London, Thorsons

Rowe, Dorothy (2007)
Beyond Fear. London, Harper Perennial

Veale, David and Willson, Rob (2005)
Overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. London, Robinson

Griffin, Joe and Tyrell, Ivan; with Denise Winn (2007)
How to Master Anxiety : all you need to know to overcome stress, panic attacks, phobias, trauma, obsessions and more. Chalvington, East Sussex, HG Publishing

Marks, Isaac M. (2001)
Living with Fear : understanding and coping with anxiety. London, McGraw-Hill

Bourne, Edmund J. (2005)
The anxiety & phobia workbook. Oakland, Calif., New Harbinger

Weekes, Claire (1995)
Self-help for your Nerves. London, Thorsons

Tubridy, Aine (2007)
When Panic Attacks, Dublin, Newleaf

Ingham, Christine (2000)
Panic Attacks :  what they are, why they happen and what you can do about them. London, Thorson

Silove, Derrick and Manicavasagar, Vijaya (1997)
Overcoming Panic and Agoraphobia : a self-help guide using cognitive behavioral techniques. London, Robinson

Stein, Murray B. and Walker, John R. (2002)
Triumph Over Shyness : conquering shyness and social anxiety. New York, McGraw-Hill

Markway, Barbara G. et al (1992)
Dying of Embarrassment : help for social anxiety & phobia. Oakland, Calif., New Harbinger

Tallis, Frank (1992)
Understanding Obsessions and Compulsions :  a self-help manual. London, Sheldon

Zgourides, George (2002)
Stop Worrying about your Health! : how to quit obsessing about symptoms and feel better now. Oakland, Calif., New Harbinger; Enfield

Depression and Bipolar

Bates, Tony (1999)
Depression: the common sense approach. Dublin, Gill and Macmillian

Gilbert, Paul (2009)
Overcoming Depression, London, Constable and Robinson

Scott, (Jan 2001)
Overcoming Mood Swings. London, Constable and Robinson

Fitzpatrick, Carol and Sharry, John (2005)
Coping with Depression in Young People. Chichester, John Wiley

Wheatley, Sandra (2005)
Coping with Post Natal Depression. London, Sheldon Press

Aiken, Cara (2000)
Surviving Post-natal Depression : at home, no one hears you scream.  London, Jessica Kingsley

Ellverton, Patrick (2004)
Taming the Black Dog. Oxford, How To Books

Strauss, Claudia J. (2004)
Talking to Depression : simple ways to connect when someone in your life is depressed. New York, New American Library

Vanier, Jean (2001)
Seeing Beyond Depression. London, SPCK

Cantopher, Tim (2005)
Depressive Illness :  the curse of the strong. London, Sheldon

Hauck, Paul (1979)
Depression. London, Sheldon

McKeon, Patrick (1995)
Coping with Depression and Elation. London, Sheldon

Williams, M., Teasdale, J., Segal, Z. & Kabat-Zinn, J. (2007)
The Mindful Way Through Depression : freeing yourself from chronic unhappiness. New York, Guilford

Strosahl, Kirk D. and Robinson, Patricia J. (2008)
The Mindfulness & Acceptance Workbook for Depression : using acceptance & commitment therapy to move through depression & create a life worth living. Oakland, Calif., New Harbinger

Burton, Neel (2009)
Living with Bipolar Disorder. London, Sheldon

Bloch, Jon P. with Bernard Golden and Nancy Rosenfeld
The Bipolar Relationship : how to understand, help, and love your partner. Avon, Mass., Adams Media

Federman, Russ and Anderson, Thomson J. (2010)
Facing Bipolar : the young adult’s guide to dealing with bipolar disorder. Oakland, Calif., New Harbinger


Fennell, Melanie (2009)
Overcoming Low Self-Esteem. London Robinson

Jeffers, Susan (2007)
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway. London, Vermillion

Burns, David (2000)
Ten Days to Great Self-Esteem. London, Vermillion

Humphreys, Tony (2002)
Self-Esteem: the key to your child’s future. Dublin, Gill and MacMillian

Lindenfield, Gael (2002)
Self-Esteem. London, Element

Lindenfield, Gael (2004)
Self-esteem bible : build your confidence day by day. London, Element

McKay, M., Fanning, P., Honeychurch, C. & Sutker, C.
Self-esteem Companion : simple exercises to help you challenge your inner critic & celebrate your personal strengths. Oakland, New Harbinger

Lindenfield, Gael (2001)
Assert Yourself : a self-help assertiveness programme for men and women. London, Thorsons

Dryden, Windy and Constantinou, Daniel (2004)
Assertiveness : step by step. London, Sheldon

McMahon, Gladeana (2001)
Confidence Works : learn to be your own life coach. London, Sheldon

Dryden, Windy (1996)
Overcoming Anger : when anger helps and when it hurts. London, Sheldon

Davies, William (2000)
Overcoming Anger and Irritability : a self-help guide using cognitive behavioral techniques. London, Robinson

Dumm, Thomas (2010)
Loneliness as a Way of Life . Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press

Gibson, Hamilton B.; foreword by Peter Laslett (2000)
Loneliness in Later Life. Basingstoke, Macmillan

Csóti, Márianna (2005)
Overcoming loneliness and making friends. London, Sheldon

Cacioppo, John T. and Patrick, William (2009)
Loneliness : human nature and the need for social connection. New York ; London, W. W. Norton


Thomson, Jennifer (2005)
Bullying: a parent’s guide. Peterborough, Need2Know

Cohen-Posey, Kate (1995)
How to Handle Bullies, Teasers and Other Meanies. Florida, Rainbow

Randall, Peter (2008)
Adult Bullying. London, Routledge

Byrne, T., Maguire, K. and Byrne, B. (2004)
Bullying in the Workplace, Home and School. Dublin, Blackhall

Clifford, Lorenza (2006)
Survive Bullying at Work : how to stand up for yourself and take control. London, A. & C. Black

Sullivan, K., Cleary, M. and Sullivan G. (2004)
Bullying in Secondary Schools : what it looks like and how to manage it. London, Paul Chapman Publishers


Helen, Maggie (2002)
Coping with Suicide. London, Sheldon Press

Stubbs, Di and Stokes, Julie (2008)
Beyond the Rough Rock: supporting a child who has been bereaved by suicide. UK, Winston’s Wish

Cox, Emily (2006)
Suicide: Ireland’s story. Dublin, Blackwater Press

Wertheimer, Alison (2008)
A Special Scar: the experience of people bereaved by suicide. London, Routledge

Foster-Ryan, Siobhan and Monahan, Luke (ed) (2001)
Echoes of Suicide. Dublin, Veritas

Lukas, Christopher and Seiden, Henry M. (2007)
Silent Grief: Living in the Wake of Suicide. London, Jessica Kingsley


Tatelbaum, Judy (1997)
The Courage to Grieve. London, Vermillion

Lewis, C.S. (1966)
Grief Observed. London, Faber and Faber

Worden, J. William (2003)
Grief Counselling and Grief Therapy: a handbook for the mental health practitioner. Hove, Routledge

Kubler-Ross, Elizabeth (2009)
On Death and Dying: what the dying have to teach doctors, nurses, clergy and their own families. Abingdon, Routledge

Mood, Pat and Whittaker, Lesley (2001)
Finding a Way Through When Someone Close has Died: a workbook by young people for young people. London, Jessica Kingsley

Kenneally, Christy (1999)
Life after Loss : helping the bereaved. Dublin, Mercier Press

Lake, Tony (1984)
Living with Grief. London , Sheldon

Kearney, Michael (c 1996)
Mortally Wounded : stories of soul pain, death and healing. Dublin, Marino

Hull McCormack, Jerusha (2005)
Grieving : a beginner’s guide. London, Darton Longman + Todd

Kübler-Ross, Elizabeth and Kessler, David (2005)
On Grief and Grieving : finding the meaning of grief through the five stages of loss. London, Simon & Schuster

Abrams, Rebecca (1999)
When Parents Die : learning to live with the loss of a parent. London, Routledge

Kushner, Harold S. (2002)
When Bad Things Happen to Good People. London, Pan

Murray Parkes, Colin (1998)
Bereavement : studies of grief in adult life. London, Penguin

McNeill Taylor, Liz (2009)
Living with Loss : a guide for the recently widowed. London, Right Way


Burton, Neel and Davison, Phil (2007)
Living with Schizophrenia. London, Sheldon Press

Cobert, Josiane (2010)
100 Questions and Answers about your Child’s Schizophrenia. Sudbury M.A, Jones and Bartlett

Frith, Christopher and Johnstone, Eve (2003)
Schizophrenia: a very short introduction. Oxford, O.U.P

Kuipers, Elizabeth (2006)
Family Work for Schizophrenia: a practical guide. London, Royal College of Psychiatrists

Haycock, Dean (2009)
The Everything Health Guide to Schizophrenia. Massachusetts, Adams Media

Jones, Steven and Hayward, Peter (2005)
Coping with Schizophrenia : a guide for patients, families and caregivers. Oxford, Oneworld

DeLisi, Lynn E. (2006)
100 Questions & Answers about Schizophrenia :painful minds. Sudbury, Mass., Jones and Bartlett

Reveley, Adrianne M. (2006)
Your Guide to Schizophrenia. London, Hodder Arnold


Griffin, Joe and Tyrrell, Ivan (2008)
Freedom from Addictions. Sussex, H G Publishing

Emmett, David and Nice, Graeme (2006)
Understanding Street Drugs. London, Jessica Kinglsey

Kroll, Brynna and Taylor, Andy (2003)
Parental Substance Misuse and Child Welfare. London, Jessica Kingsley

Campbell, Paul (2007)
I’ll Stop Tomorrow. Cork, Mercier Press

Blaszczynski, Alex (1998)
Overcoming Compulsive Gambling. London, Robinson

Fleming, John C. (2007)
Preventing Addiction: what parents must know to immunize their kids against drug and alcohol addiction. Texas, CrossHouse Publishing

Peele, Stanton (2007)
Addiction-proof your Child : a realistic approach to preventing drug, alcohol, and other dependencies. New York, Crown

Madigan Erlandson, Kelly (2008)
Getting Sober : a practical guide to making it through the first 30 days. New York, McGraw-Hill

Eating Disorders

Freeman, Chris (2002)
Overcoming Anorexia Nervosa: a self help guide. London, Constable and Robinson

Schmidt, Ulrike and Treasure, Janet (2007)
Getting Better Bit(e) by Bit(e). London, Routledge

Fairburn, Christopher G. (1995)
Overcoming Binge Eating. New York, Guilford Press

Teachman, Bettany A. (2003)
Helping Your Child Overcome an Eating Disorder. California, New Harbinger

Treasure, Janet (2003)
Anorexia Nervosa: a survival guide for family, friends and sufferers. London, Routledge

Langley, Jenny (2006)
Boys Get Anoxeria Too : coping with male eating disorders in the family. London, Paul Chapman

Paterson, Anna (2008)
Beating Eating Disorders Step by Step: a self-help guide for recovery. London, Jessica Kingsley

Costin, Carolyn (2007)
The Eating Disorder Sourcebook : a comprehensive guide to the causes, treatments, and prevention of eating disorders. Maidenhead, McGraw-Hill

Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Strauss, Claudia J.(2001)
Talking to Alzheimer’s. California, New Harbinger

Mace, Nancy and Rabins, Peter (1999)
The 36-Hour Day. New York, Wellness Central

Bazan- Salazar, Emilia C. (2005)
Alzheimer’s Activities that Stimulate the Mind. New York, McGraw-Hill

Kitwood, Tom (2008)
Dementia Reconsidered. Berkshire, Open University Press

Abuse – Physical and Sexual

Kennerley, Helen (2000)
Overcoming Childhood Trauma. London, Robinson

Inscough, Carolyn and Toon, Kay (2000)
Breaking Free: help for survivors of sexual abuse. London, Sheldon

Dolan, Yvonne (2000)
One Small Step: moving beyond trauma and therapy to a life of joy. San Jose, Author’s Choice Press

Adapt Services
Lean on Me: an information guide for women. Limerick, Adapt Services