We need your support!
Anything you can spare will help Living Life Counselling to continue making a real difference to people’s lives. Donating is easy. Simply choose one of the following options. Make a donation securely through GivenGain by clicking the Donate button below.
Please, click on the button to donate
Please, scan the QR code to donate
Regular donations allow Living Life Counselling to plan ahead. This helps us to target our services where they are most needed.
Cheques, Bank Drafts or Postal Orders made payable to Living Life Counselling can be sent directly to us at the address below.
If your company would like to support the work of Living Life Counselling,
please call 01 286 6729 and ask to speak with Rebecca Mullen
or email Rebecca by clicking here
Click here to find out more about ‘Tax Efficient Giving‘
Please send all correspondence to:
Living Life Counselling
Eglinton Road
County Wicklow
Make sure you enclose your name and address so that Living Life Counselling can keep you updated on our work.
Remembering Living Life Counselling in your Will
A very meaningful way of helping us is through a legacy. By including a donation in your will, you can be assured that our work will continue. Please ask your solicitor for further advice on how best to facilitate your request or contact us for further information.